Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Running Strong


Today was a great day! I hope yours was the same way.

I went on a walk with the dogs this morning and it was chilly out but so beautiful.  I am feeling more and more fit every day and its so exciting.

So I have some great news...I got a new pair of running shoes today! They are Nike Air Pegasus +26 and the color is white, silver and  magenta. Here's a pic!

Todays run was a 3 miler @ 12: 16. I went to my brother's high school track to change things up a bit. I did mile 1 in 10:56, mile 2 in 11:00, and mile 3 in 10:24. I was so proud of myself for going that fast. My times are steadily improving and its cool to see. I was really tired today, too and was wondering if I would be able to do 12 minute miles then I went and did them all faster than I have been in a while.

How have your workouts been this week?



  1. How fun! You'd be proud of me-- I bought some running shoes today!!

  2. Awesome times, Han! I am so proud of you!

  3. I AM proud of you, Amber Rose! That's so great.


Please be kind!


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