Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter Makes Me Sleepy


I did my 7 mile long run on Saturday afternoon. I was busy all morning and by the time I got home I was really tired so I knew I needed to get out there and get it done right away before I changed my mind!

I went to a park in the city, and did three laps, which is a little over 7 miles.When I got there and stepped out of the truck, the ground felt a little slippery so I decided to wear spikes over my shoes. There was snow on all the trails, so it was pretty slow going. I'm glad I wore the spikes, though, because there are some hills on the route and I didn't want to risk falling!

The temperature has warmed up alot in the past few days. Saturday it was about 31 F or 2 C, so I was able to wear my capris, a long sleeve tech shirt, and a short sleeved top over that, some gloves and my shoes. I was thankful I didn't have to wear a hat or a balaclava, because they are nice to stay warm but I don't really like stuff covering my face.

I finished my run in 1 hour 32 minutes. Pretty slow pace, but I do my long runs slow anyways, and when you factor in all the snow it probably wasn't that bad.  I'm just happy I burned like 1,000 calories! Whoohoo!  My weight is still going down and my pants seem to be getting bigger and bigger so I know I must be getting smaller!

Today Kyle and I went and looked at some running pants. I went to The Running Room and tried on a few pairs. I found one pair I liked that were Nike, but there was a Nike outlet really close by so I wanted to go see what their prices were like before I made my final decision. I got to the Nike outlet like 5 minutes before they were closing but I was able to try on some of their pants and I found two that I like. I will probably go back tomorrow or another day this week and get a pair from the outlet, but I didn't want to make a snap decision on the pants just because the store was closing!

I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving, and that you had a great weekend!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am a Runner


I can't believe it is already Wednesday! Monday's run was good. I just ran close to home because it was -25 C out and I wanted to make sure I could come back if I got too cold. I did an easy 2 miles and left my watch at home. Running through the snow is similar to running in sand so it slows me down and really messes up timing myself. Here's a picture of me when I got back from my run!

Can you see the moisture on my hat? The skin around my eyes was red from the cold, my eyelashes were freezing, and I kept getting little beads of sweat and condensation that would drip down right above my eyes then freeze. So far -25 C hasn't stopped me from running so I think I will be able to deal with running outside for the rest of the winter since it doesn't get much worse than this.

Today's run was a 5 mile tempo run with 2 miles @10:25 pace.  I was out all morning running errands, and when I got back I had just about an hour to do my run before heading off to a facial (birthday gift from my Aunt). I started out fast because I wanted to make sure I got my faster miles in first in case I needed to stop and finish my run later. The temperature was -22 C, and my butt was freezing at the end of it all because I was just wearing a pair of leggings on the bottom because I STILL need to get those pants!!

All of the sidewalks were shoveled and clear so I was able to run a lot faster. I did mile 1 in 9:18!!!!! That is my fastest mile ever, I'm pretty sure. Wow, I was so surprised! I think that running in the snow and pushing myself has helped me get faster because it takes more effort. I decided to slow it down a bit after that so I did mile 2 in 10:20, closer to the required pace.  Miles 3-5 I took easy and the time for each them was probably between 10:30 and 11:10. Total time for all was 52:40, so you can do the math if you like.

I actually didn't end up getting a facial today because the lady who was going to do it is sick, so I'll be getting that another day. I was happy to be done with my workout though, so now I can relax for the rest of the evening!

I titled this post "I am a Runner" because it's something that I have been thinking about lately. I have been running off and on for a while but I don't think I actually considered myself A RUNNER. It was only just recently that I kind of came to this realization fully and I think the fact that I have been running consistently for the past six and a half weeks has made me feel like a real runner. A few other reasons are 1) when I'm not scheduled to run I feel like running, 2) sometimes I wish I wasn't training for a race so  I could run whenever I want and try different running programs, and 3) when I see people running I feel jealous and wish I was running.

How about you? Do you consider yourself a runner? If not, what would make you change your mind?

I hope you enjoy the rest of the week!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow


I did my 6 mile long run as planned today. I still don't have long running pants but I was fine. The temperature was about 0 F, yes that's a zero! It's crazy how quickly I have acclimated to the cold, and I actually love it. If it was 50 F back in Cali I would be cold, but not anymore!

I did four laps around a 1.5 mile loop by my cousin's house, and finished it in about 1 hour 15 minutes. It was supposed to be a 12:02 mile pace, but there was lots of snow and some hills and I think that slowed me down some.

It was such a beautiful day today. The sun was shining, the snow was glistening, and the air was cool. The sun starts to set pretty early here now, like between 3 and 4 the sun is definitely going down.  I haven't felt depressed at all about winter, though and I hope it stays that way.

I think I'm losing more weight and I'm so excited! I tried on a pair of my jeans that was uncomfortably tight before, and now they fit really well. If I lose another 2 lbs I will be below my lowest weight in at least the last 2 years, if not longer. I am so excited that I am actually going to do this, and it won't be like the other times I tried to lose weight then gave up. This time is different.....I can just tell.

I hope you are having a great weekend!


Friday, November 19, 2010



Wow, I've really been slacking on the blog. Sorry! It started snowing early this week and now the winter is here to stay! I am loving it so far, and had my first run in winter conditions on Wednesday. I had a speed workout, that was 5 miles total including warm up, 2 miles @ 9:50 pace with 800 m jog in between, and cool down.

I woke up, ate an apple, then went to a nearby outdoor track to do my workout. I think the temperature was 11 F but with the wind chill it was closer to feeling like 0 F. I haven't gotten any winter running gear yet, so I wore my standard capris, wore a long sleeve technical shirt, then a long sleeve cotton shirt over that, some gloves and a hat to keep my head warm. I actually felt pretty good during the run, only a little cold. The exposed part of my legs was a bit chilly but not unbearable.

I did 1 1/2 mile warm up at an easy pace, then did my 2 miles @ 9:50 with 800 m jog in between, and then a mile cool down.  I think I was so concerned with making sure I had the clothing I needed and worried about whether or not I would be cold and I totally forgot to bring my watch! So I'm really not sure what my pace was for the speed work, but I ran at the fastest pace I could do for a mile and hoped it was close to the time I needed.

Today I went to The Running Room, which is an Edmonton based running specialty store and chatted with one of the girls there about running in the cold, and she showed me the necessities. I don't want to spend very much money, so I knew the essentials I would need were a pair of spikes to go over my shoes and some good pants for running at the very least.  I didn't get anything while I was there because I wanted to make sure that my husband was OK with the things I need to get. When I got home my mom-in-law showed me a pair of spikes she has that she would put over her boots when walking the dogs in the winter. I tried them on over my running shoes and they fit perfectly so I won't have to buy any spikes right now which is nice. So now all I really need to get is some pants and I hope to do that this week if possible, since I have a long run that I'm supposed to do tomorrow! I'll let you know how that goes!

In closing I have some good news! I have lost a total of 18 lbs since last summer, and since re-committing myself to getting in shape in October of this year I have lost almost 9 lbs! I'm so excited!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday's Run


I need to work on posting right after I do my workout! On Monday I had an easy 2 mile run. I just went a little bit after I woke up and left my watch at home. I tried to just relax and enjoy the run. It's really nice to not think about my pace sometimes,especially because tomorrow I have to do speedwork, which is all about time!

I don't have too much to say today, except it started snowing today and this time I think it is here to stay! I need to get some winter running gear...STAT!

I hope you all are having a good week. I'm pretty busy tomorrow but hopefully I will be able to post about how my speedwork goes!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

On and On and On


Today was my 6 mile long run, and I went to Terwillegar Park with my mom-in-law and one of her friends.  I knew that one lap around it was over 2 miles so I decided to just do three laps. I did my three laps in 1 hour 30 minutes and it actually ended up being like 7.35 miles!

The scenery was really pretty. The park is a big loop and the Saskatchewan River runs around three quarters of it. There were big chunks of ice floating in the river and lots of Canadian geese. As I was running I could hear the geese honking and see the river running, and it was so peaceful.  Instead of focusing on my time today, I decided to take my run nice and easy and just enjoy it and being outside.  There is supposed to be snow coming this next week so it was nice to get out and enjoy the crisp air and a little bit of sunshine before the weather turns.

One thing I really love about easy long runs is the feeling that I could just go on and on.  Once I get past mile 5  I feel like I just don't want to stop.  Recently I have been wondering if I will really be able to stick with my running, and if I will really be able to run a marathon in May. Today helped me realize that I can do it.  My run today was over a quarter of a marathon, I've only been back to running for like six weeks, and I felt amazing during my run!  I thought to myself..."Why can't I do it?"

Hopefully I will continue to lose weight and that will also help me gain speed. If I stay consistent in my training, then it only makes sense that I will be able to actually complete a marathon. When I first decided to run a marathon I thought that I wanted to do it in under 4 hours. I'm not sure if I will still aim for that.  I think as I get further in my training I will be able to tell if that is realistic for me or not.  I don't want to be so focused on time that I don't enjoy the experience!

How is your weekend so far? I know Thanksgiving is coming up for you guys pretty soon, what are your plans? Thanksgiving has come and gone here a little while ago so I'm on to Christmas shopping and decorating!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Off Tempo


How is your week going so far? Mine has been pretty good. I realized that this week is my fifth week of my training plan, and the sixth week that I have been consistently running. I was feeling a little tired and down about working out but when I realized that I had been consistent for almost 6 whole weeks I was really happy.

Today's workout was a tempo run. The complete distance was 5 miles including warmup and cooldown, with 3 miles @ 10:25 pace. I started with a mile warmup, nice and easy, and did it in 11:14. I had a little bit of trouble keeping my pace on track for the 3 miles, though. Mile 1 was in 10:14, mile 2 in 10:44, and mile 3 in 10:19. I didn't time my cool down mile but I would say it was about 11:30 or 11:45.

I was actually really dreading todays run because of how Monday's run went, and because, as I said before, I have been feeling a little down about working out.  Thankfully I always feel better after I run. It's really cool to see the progression of my mileage each week. I started out doing 6 miles my first week back to running , then 6 miles again in week one of my training plan, 8 miles week two, 10 miles week three, 12 miles week four, and this week (week 5) will be a total of 13 miles.

In have been tracking my runs this entire year in my training journal, even before I renewed my running commitment in October. My year to date total, not counting the miles I have done so far this week, is 78 miles. I have actually run more than that but wasn't tracking for a bit. It's numbers like that I need to be encouraged by, and I'm working on focusing on those things instead of just my weight!

I read an article recently about when to step back from the scale. I realized that I was becoming obsessive about weighing myself, and from now on I am going to attempt to weigh myself only once a week, on the same day. I think that will help me have a healthier mindset about my weight.

I hope you are all having a great week so far, and that you have some inspiring workouts!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Change It Up


How was your weekend? I was busy all weekend and didn't get a chance to post on Saturday after my run. I did a 5 mile run on my regular route. Before I started I was a little apprehensive, but I hope I don't feel that way every time my mileage goes up.  Every time I start running, though, I know I am committed to running the complete distance.

I did mile 1 in 9:52, mile 2 in 10:35, mile 3 in 10:43, mile 4 in 10:45, and mile 5 in 10:35. I felt really good I had accomplished something. It has been a few months since I have run that distance so it's nice to know I can still do it! I really need to vary my running route. My knees were hurting a bit after my last few runs, and I think it is because the route I run is pavement and has hills.  I decided that this week I would change up my run location and see if it helps.

Today I had a 2 mile run and I did it at the gym on the treadmill before I did my weights workout. What I wrote in my training journal will give you a little insight on how that went....I wrote, "I officially LOATHE the treadmill. I will not run on it again unless I absolutely have to!" I made it almost all the way through my run at a 10: 20 pace but had to slow it down at the end. I was really dehydrated and felt super weak, and I was also extremely hot and tired. It still doesn't make sense to me why it is so hard. A 10:20 pace outside wouldn't really be an issue. I told Kyle to get me a pair of spikes for my birthday so that I can run outside in the winter and hopefully not have to run in the gym. My knees haven't been bothering me today so I think that may be one positive thing about running on the treadmill!

I'm getting bored with my weights routine so I think I might try to switch it up a bit and try something new. My sister e-mailed me an 8 week volleyball conditioning workout schedule. I will probably start that soon and see how I like it. It might actually be good because I was thinking about joining a recreational volleyball team for the winter season.

And now for some good news.... I think I broke through my weight loss plateau!!  My weight has gone down a little bit finally after a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I continue to lose more weight now. I think that 5 mile run on Saturday did the trick!!

Happy running, friends!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Easy Run


Today was supposed to be an easy 4 mile run. I did just that--I took it easy. I thought about not even running today and doing it tomorrow instead, but I thought that it would be better for me to stick to my schedule if possible.

I was tired again today. I had gone for an hour walk not too long before I went running. Anyways, I tried to just enjoy my run without worrying about going fast and trying to compete with myself.

I did mile 1 in 10:43, mile 2 in 10:56, mile 3 in 11:06, and mile 4 in 11:26. I was trying to pace myself at about an 11 minute mile but wow my pacing skills are way off! I need to work on that so that I will be able to accurately pace myself when I race.  I used to be good at doing a 12 minute mile pace consistently so I guess I will have to get used to doing an 11 or 10:30 minute mile pace.

I haven't lost any weight during the last week or so and I think I'm hitting a plateau. Bummer. Whatever it is I hope it is over with soon because it can get kind of depressing. It's no fun feeling like I'm not getting anywhere even though I am working out hard and tracking all of my calories. I'm thinking that I need to up the weight of my strength training a bit, and try to walk on the days I am not running. Hopefully that works!

I hope you are having a good week so far!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Ups and Downs


Today I had kind of a BLAH Monday feeling. I wasn't very excited about my 3 mile run. I was tired, so I did it immediately after I got home from the gym this afternoon because I didn't want to risk waiting until later and then possibly skipping it.

I did mile 1 in 9:56, mile 2 in 10:48, and mile 3 in 10:41.  That snow last week fooled me. I keep wearing warmer clothes on my run and then I get really hot. The snow is all gone and the temps are slowly rising again so I need to readjust my running clothes.

My times were still good, but you know, sometimes you have runs that you don't enjoy. I felt better afterwards, just knowing it was done. I'm happy to get that out of the way, and hopefully on my Wednesday run I will feel differently.

How often do you have those BLAH workout days? What do you do...skip the workout or slog through it and hope for the best?

Hope you had a good Monday!



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