I have been doing some serious thinking about blogging in general, and specifically this blog and what I want it to be.
I first started this blog just to document my workouts, weight loss, and races. I didn't stick with blogging my workouts regularly, although I did stick to running and losing weight. I felt that just blogging about how far I ran and my pace was just boring.
So I have been brainstorming and have come up with lots of running related topics that I want to write about! I want this blog to be interactive, I want it to showcase my passion for running, and talk about all different aspects of running, not just my training. I want to share some lessons I have learned along the way and share the fun and joy that running brings to my life.
I hope you enjoy the new direction the blog is going and would love to hear from you on any areas of running you would like to read about specifically!
Happy running,
When are you going to write again?